
Receives Valuable Tools to Study Ocean Health

The research equipment on Statsraad Lehmkuhl will receive a significant upgrade ahead of the next One Ocean Expedition. A generous donation from Aanderaa/Xylem, a world-leading provider of water sensors, will provide the ship with a valuable new tool to study the state of the ocean.

Advanced Sensors to Monitor Ocean Health

– “We are proud to support Statsraad Lehmkuhl with a sensor package on this important expedition,” says Mark Bokenfohr, Product Manager for Ocean and Coastal at Aanderaa/Xylem.

– “The sensors will measure a range of important parameters in the ocean, including oxygen, salinity, temperature, and chlorophyll. Such datasets are crucial for understanding the state of the ocean and identifying areas threatened by pollution or climate change”.
Shared passion for the ocean: Haakon Valte (right), director of the Lehmkuhl Foundation, expresses his gratitude to Aanderaa/Xylem for their support of the One Ocean Expedition through the donation of advanced water sensors. On the left is Mark Bokenfohr, product manager for ocean and coastal products at Aanderaa/Xylem. Photo: Helene Spurkeland.

Real-Time Data for Researchers
The sensors will be mounted on the ship and used to take regular measurements of water quality during the twelve-month One Ocean Expedition, which begins in April 2025. The data will be available to marine researchers in real time, both on board and on land. They will also be stored for future analysis and made openly available to everyone.

During the first One Ocean Expedition, numerous water quality measurements were conducted on board Statsraad Lehmkuhl. These measurements will continue on the next expedition, starting in April 2025.Photo: Ingrid Wollberg

A Significant Contribution to Ocean Research and Sustainability
– “The donation from Aanderaa/Xylem is an invaluable contribution to the comprehensive upgrade of research equipment taking place this summer,” says Haakon Vatle, Director of the Statsraad Lehmkuhl Foundation.

– “The sensors give us the opportunity to collect more valuable data on the state of the ocean. This is an important milestone in our efforts to promote ocean research and sustainability.”
During the shipyard stay in the summer of 2024, Statsraad Lehmkuhl will receive a significant upgrade to its research equipment. Photo: Martin Koch.

Salinity and Melting Glaciers
One application of the sensors is to measure salinity, or salt content, in the Northwest Passage, where the Statsraad Lehmkuhl will sail in autumn 2025.

– “These measurements will be valuable contributions to understanding the impact of melting glaciers in the Arctic and how this affects sea level rise, ocean acidification, and changes in ecosystems”, Mark Bokenfohr explains.

“Knowledge of salinity is also important for monitoring pollution and protecting vulnerable Arctic resources.”

During August and September 2025, the Statsraad Lehmkuhl will sail through the Northwest Passage. Map by Irene Nykrem

Collaboration for a Sustainable Ocean
– “The support from Aanderaa/Xylem motivates us enormously in our work. The fact that a global company with 20,000 employees shares our belief in the project confirms that we are on the right track,” says Vatle.

A Training Ship with Unique Opportunities
Vatle emphasizes that Statsraad Lehmkuhl is not a full-fledged research vessel.

– “We are first and foremost a sail training and education ship.”

– “At the same time, the One Ocean Expedition has set a new course for us. The long duration of our expeditions means that the ship can collect unique, continuous datasets from ocean areas that are usually rarely visited by ordinary research vessels,” Vatle says.

Join the adventure of a lifetime – Get your tickets for the One Ocean Expedition here!

The Statsraad Lehmkuhl sailing in the Caribbean Sea during the previous One Ocean Expedition, 2021-2023. Photo: Isak Okkenhaug

Top photo: Malin Kvamme. Photo below: Hanna Thevik

Published 13. juni 2024 
By Helene Spurkeland 

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