
The Tall Ships Races 2023

Welcome on board for the upcoming summer's great maritime adventure! In the spectacular Tall Ships Races regatta, Statsraad Lehmkuhl competes against the world's largest and fastest tall ships in exciting sailing races in Europe! On board and at fun festivals in the host ports, you will meet new friends from all over the world! No sailing experience? No problem! We will teach you everything you need to know about sailing! This is going to a blast! Hey ho, let's go!

Photo: André Marton Pedersen

After almost two years of circumnavigating the globe, Statsraad Lehmkuhl is finally back in Norway and ready for the spectacular Tall Ships Races in the summer of 2023! We are very much looking forward to setting sail for exciting host ports with youths and adults from many different nations on board!

Competition or «Cruise in Company»
The ports we are going to visit are Den holder in the Netherlands, Hartlepool in England, Lerwick on Shetland and the Norweigian ports of Fredrikstad and Arendal. Statsraad Lehmkuhl has several first prize thopies from Tall Ships Races already, but we are as hungry for victory as ever!

If you are not a competitive person, you can take part in the slightly quieter Friendship leg from Fredrikstad to cozy Lerwick in Shetland. Here, the ships do not race, and they are free to choose their own route. Along the way we stop at one of the Cruise in Company ports for a pleasant stay at the dock for a night or two. The ports often invite their Tall Ships-visitors to join in pleasant social activities on land.

Click on the links for more information about each voayge:

Age limit: 15 years old. Between 15 and 18: Can participate without being accompanied by a guardian.

Sailing, team work and mastery
Regardless of whether you choose the regatta or the Cruise in Company/Friendship legs, we can guarantee experiences you won’t get anywhere else than on a large sailing ship. On board Norway’s largest and most beautiful sailing ship, everyone automatically becomes an important part of the crew- We all contribute in sailing and running the big vessel together. As everyone shares the work tasks and takes care of both the ship and each other, the atmosphere becomes very special!

People, and especially youth, from all over the world join Statsraad Lehmkuhl for The Tall Ships Races. We are proud to say that, on several occasions, Lehmkuhl has won the prize for the most different nationalities on board! These exciting voyages are excellent opportunities for exploring new friendships and cultural exchange in a young and international environment!

We all take care of each other at sea! Photo: André Marton Pedersen

Manual power ! 
Statsraad Lehmkuhl is basically sailed in exactly the same way today, as she did when she was built 108 years ago: With manual power! 22 sails and many kilometers of ropes must be handled in cooperation to get the ship up to speed!

For many, entering the rigging is an exciting challenge! The main mast on Lehmkuhl rises a full 48 meters above the water’s surface, so you are guaranteed an great view and a wonderful adrenaline rush if you venture up! You sleep side by side with your shipmates in hammocks, as sailors have done for centuries.

22 large sails are handled with solid traditional seamanship and cooperation! Photo: André Marton Pedersen

Sailing festival in the ports
In all five host ports, a Tall Ships festival is organized when the many ships come in. A bustling life with great tall ships, parades, concerts and lots of fun awaits us! Those sailing with Lehmkuhl can book accommodation on board the ship in the ports. Accommodation is booked together with the ticket or you can order it afterwards by e-mail:
Sailing crews from all over the world meet in the ports. Here from a tug-of-war competition during Tall Ships in Bergen 2019. Photo: Eivind Senneset / Tall Ships Races Bergen

An active and unusual holiday
If you are looking for a relaxed holiday with few activities, a sailing voyage is probably not the right choice for you. But if you are ready for an active journey, full of exciting challenges, new friendships and wonderful nature experiences, we can highly recommend a Tall Ships Race with Statsraad Lehmkuhl!

“Digital detox”
With no telephone or nternet coverage, a sailing voyage becomes a wonderful “detox” from the stressful digital accessibility of everyday life. We can focus fully on being present in the moment. It is quite wonderful to be able to log off for a few days, with a clear conscience. Enjoy it! (PS: You will also have lots of spectacular photos to share when the ship is back in port!)

Read more about life on board on our website!
A sailing trip is a very environmentally friendly way to travel. With the wind as the main propulsion, the climate footprint becomes low. We encourage everyone to choose environmentally friendly transport to and from the ports.

The most important thing is….
As a member of the voyage crew at the Tall Ships regatta, there is only one thing that is more important than winning: Namely the feeling that we do this together as a team!

Welcome on board the Tall Ships Races with Statsraad Lehmkuhl, one of the fastest and most beautiful sailing ships in the world!

Photo: André Marton Pedersen

“People, and especially youth, from all over the world join Statsraad Lehmkuhl for The Tall Ships Races. We are proud to say that, on several occasions, Lehmkuhl has won the prize for the most different nationalities on board! These exciting voyages are excellent opportunities for exploring new friendships and cultural exchange in a young and international environment!”
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